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Have Something To Say? Submit An Article... |
Posted by Code_monkey - 06-21-04 21:23 - 3 comments |
Have something to say or review? Help out GooeyLinux by submitting an article or opinion piece to for publishing. As a bonus, the top 3 articles will receive gmail invites. The articles can be related to anything OSS (Open Source Software).
(You retain complete ownership/control over your article) |
Read 44 times - last
by dewy  |
Gaim 0.79 Released! |
Posted by Code_monkey - 06-27-04 02:01 - 1 comments |
submitted by exhilaron2005 ------------ Gaim .79 has been released as of yesterday. Among a huge torrent of new features and bugfixes, as demonstrated in their changelog (, they have finally released a RPM package for Mandrake Linux 10, for those who have been waiting (e.g. me). Download Gaim at
While you are out grabbing the latest release of Gaim, you should also grab Guifications, which is a Gaim plugin that shows MSN-style notifications. |
Read 35 times - last
by exhilaron2005  |
[kernel] 2.6.7 Stable Announced |
Posted by dewy - 06-16-04 11:10 - 0 comments |
Thanks goes out to 'thehundredthone' for letting us know about this: Linus Torvalds has released the Linux 2.6.7 stable kernel. It fixes a security bug that allowed users with shell access to a Linux host to bring down the system.
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Gooey Updates #3 |
Posted by dewy - 06-14-04 07:08 - 3 comments |
New Releases for the 2nd week of June: Themes:Wallpapers: |
Read 40 times - last
by dewy  |
Kde 3.2.3 Released |
Posted by dewy - 06-10-04 09:11 - 12 comments |
The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.2.3, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop for GNU/Linux and other UNIXes. KDE 3.2.3 ships with a basic desktop and eighteen other packages (PIM, administration, network, edutainment, utilities, multimedia, games, artwork, web development and more). KDE's award-winning tools and applications are available in 51 languages (now including Arabic, Croatian and Upper Sorbian compared to KDE 3.2.2).
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by watchitman  |
Gooey Updates #2 |
Posted by dewy - 06-5-04 10:28 - 1 comments |
New Releases for the 1st week of June: Themes:- dcberg has released 'eXperience pre 1.2' a Crystal theme for Metacity and GTK with a luna taste, whether this is a good or bad thing is a matter of taste. Check it out here.
- johnisevil has released his update of Tigert's Steph theme called 'Steph Remix', pick up a copy here.
- watchitman has uploaded his 'Blufaktr v1.1' GTK and Metacity theme based on Factory by Graeme Worthy. Check it out here.
Wallpapers:- Liron has been in the factory of great digital art and pumped out a great Mandrake 10 Wallpaper to celebrate the release of Mandrake 10 Official. Be amazed by her great skills here.
Icons:- dcberg has accompanied 'eXpreince Crystal' theme with a matching icon theme for gnome. pick it up here.
Other:- dcberg has also released what seems to be the final installment of his 'eXpreince Crystal' series with a GDM Greeter staring 'Angelina Jolie', star of many great movies 'Gone in 60 seconds' just to name one. Download it here.
- With Liron celebrating the release of Mandrake 10 official she has also released a set of CD Stompers for Mandrake 10 with a similar design to her wallpaper, Get them here.
Read 68 times - last
by icculus  |
Gtk+ 2.4.2 Released |
Posted by dewy - 06-5-04 02:01 - 2 comments |
GTK+ and GLib 2.4.2 are released. This is a bug fix release and is source and binary compatible with 2.4.0. There are a considerable number of fixes in this release, especially in the areas of GtkFileChooser, GtkComboBox and GtkEntryCompletion. Also, a problem on Solaris has been fixed.
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Read 39 times - last
by dewy  |
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